
Tutorial to make a video with brilliance

Video is the trendy format that will allow you to promote your business on the web or on social networks. If you’re reading this article, you’re probably not a professional editor or motion designer. Rest assured, the creation of multimedia content is within the reach of everyone today. So there’s no reason to panic just at the thought of editing your first audiovisual sequences. There are effective tools that will make your work easier. Here is the tutorial on how to edit video.

In summary

  1. Prerequisites before editing a video
  2. Choosing an editing software to import your video
  3. Unwrapping
  4. The other stages of post-production

1. Prerequisites before editing a video

Before shooting a film, you must go through a phase called pre-production. This is an essential step in order to produce a visual sequence worthy of the name. It will indeed allow you to define precisely the content you will produce. It is important to think about what you want to do. This will save you time when you start editing your video clip. Are you ready? Here are some secrets to getting organized.

1.1. Define the objectives of your visual content

It’s important to be clear about the message you want to convey to your audience. To do this, research the purpose of your video. Ask yourself the following questions. They are likely to help you in your process:

  • What are you going to tell?
  • Where are you going to shoot?
  • How do you want to impact your prospects?
  • In what form do you plan to make your film (informative sequence, commercial, new product presentation tape, etc.)?

The little trick

Once you have all the elements in mind, write a short pitch. Two or three sentences are enough to condense the purpose of your video.

Then, using your previous ideas, write a synopsis. With the help of this script outline, you will have a better idea of the complete sequence you will shoot.

1.2. Developing a storyboard

storyboard pour monter une video

Developing a storyboard is not a requirement. However, it can be useful for mentally preparing the different shots of your narrative structure.

Simply take a sheet of paper on which you draw a thumbnail per shot. This will be very useful when you are editing your video.

1.3. Think about the format of your multimedia sequence 

You have a wide choice of sizes to make your video:

  • Vertical formats, such as 4/5 or 9/16 ;
  • 16:9;
  • 1/1 (square);
  • Etc.

Some, such as 16/9, are perfect for YouTube. Depending on the platform on which you will publish, other formats are to be preferred. The square format, for example, is very popular on Twitter.

You’ve got everything organized. Now it’s time to spend some time shooting your video itself. Once you’ve done that, read on to edit your video.

2. Choose your editing software to import your video

You are a beginner, but you want to make professional videos in order to increase the visibility of your company.

2.1. Find the right editing solution

Do not hesitate to choose an editing solution: 

  • Equipped with simple functions;
  • With an intuitive interface;
  • Processes your media files quickly;
  • Supports all formats.

Videomenthe has created a collaborative platform, Eolementhe, for you. With its online editing feature EoleEdit, you will design your next video without knowing any editing techniques.

2.2. Uploading a video with an editing program

Before you start editing a video with EoleEdit, you just have to :

  • Connect to the website with your login and password;
  • Import your video online.

You transfer all your files in a completely secure way. Don’t worry, you don’t need to have a coding diploma! You can then edit your video in a totally intuitive way. EoleEdit’s interface is clear, even for an amateur videographer.

Once you’ve found the right editing solution for you, it’s time to move on to the final phase of creating your sequence: post-production. This is where you fine-tune your video to achieve the optimal result you had in mind. It takes place in several stages, which are detailed below.

3. Unscrambling 

You stuttered at some point during the shoot. Maybe a car made a deafening roar as it passed in the street. You certainly don’t want these images to appear on your video clip. The quality of your creation depends on it. De-rushing is an essential step in post-production. Here are the instructions on how to do it correctly.

3.1. Choosing the right images

The derushing process consists of viewing the footage of your video to keep only the best images. Keep only the sequences of the videos that are suitable for broadcast, i.e. those that :

  • Are in focus ;
  • Meet the requirements of the subject you have set yourself.

Good to know

If you took time before editing, you will certainly gain time here. By making a script, as we explained above, you avoid getting lost in the subject you wanted to cover.

3.2. Easily edit a video

You imagine that you write down the exact time you want to cut your video. Those days are over! With good video editing equipment, de-editing takes only a few minutes.

EoleEdit allows you to easily fragment your footage once you’ve imported it.

Segmentation has never been so easy Position your images as you wish. Drag the sequences. Alternate them to keep the whole thing fluid. Test several solutions.

You want more dynamism. Integrate a transition between two shots. Nothing is easier with your design software.

4. The other steps of post-production

This last part of the tutorial for successful video editing is certainly one of the most creative. Your visual sequence will be enriched here with various visual and sound elements so that it is pleasant to watch. It is also important, as you will see below, that you finalize its formatting by adding subtitles. It’s time to captivate your audience!

4.1. The graphic style of your video

Have you thought about formalizing your typography elements in your video? Once again, the Videomenthe editing solution allows you to create the graphic style that corresponds to the design of your site, for example. Try different colors and fonts.

4.2. Integrating a music track

Design a soundtrack that reflects your company’s image. Music is, in fact, a great way to :

  • Fill in a blank ;
  • Camouflage a break;
  • Break the rhythm;
  • Etc.

All you have to do is upload a royalty-free music on the platform, then choose the passage where you want to place it.

4.2. Subtitling

sous-titrage video

In addition to an audio track, subtitling your visual content has become an essential part of post-production. It must be said that the majority of your prospects watch your videos without sound. To make sure they understand what you’re talking about, it’s essential to subtitle them. To do this, we created EoleCC. It is a software with which you can obtain in no time an automatic professional subtitling.

EoleCC transcribes your speech into its original language. It also does much more. Thanks to artificial intelligence, it is able to perform a quality translation in 120 languages. This means that your videos can be seen and understood on the other side of the world!

Now you know how to edit video easily and efficiently. All you need is a powerful software like Eolementhe Studio. You have in your hands a fast, intuitive and creative editing solution with which to customize your videos to be seen around the world. There’s no need to spend a fortune to get it, as the subscription is inexpensive for unlimited video editing. You want to try the adventure? Test it for free, and don’t worry, we are at your side! So call us at +33 (0)4 67 17 41 56. You can also send us an email.